Members an Friends
The statutes of the Conference envisage both personal and corporate membership. An individual can become a personal member by application and acceptance by the Board. Churches, ecclesial communities, and spiritual movements can become corporate members with the approval of the Assembly of Members.
Corporate members:
- Konferenz Bekennender Gemeinschaften in den Evangelischen Kirchen Deutschlands
- Kirkelig Sammling omkring Bibel og Bekjennele (Norwegen)
- Kirkens ja og nej (Dänemark)
- Reformatorisch Interkerkelijk Bezinningsverband (Niederlande)
- United Christian Action (Südafrika)
- Gospel Defense League (Südafrika)
- Christians for Truth (Südafrika)
- Korean Evangelical Fellowship (Korea)
- Sammlung um Christus und sein Wort (Schweiz)
- Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bekennender Christen in Österreich
- Gesellschaft für innere und äußere Mission Neuendettelsau
- North American Lutheran Church (NALC)
- Fraternitas Sacerdotalis Oratorii (Rev. Mons. Frederick Haas)
Close relations are maintained with the following ecclesial and spiritual communities:
- The Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Lettland
- The Freie Synode and the Missionsprovinz of the Schwedische Kirche as well as the Anglican movement Forward in Faith.
In addition, friendly relations are maintained with the Forum Deutscher Katholiken, the Greek-Orthodox Metropoly in Germany, the Syrian-Orthodox and the Coptic-Orthodox Churches in Germany.
Informational contacts are also maintained with the Papal Council for Promoting Christian Unity.