IKBG /ICN board
The IKBG/ICN is led by a four-member board chaired by retired Pastor Ulrich Rüß. The Theological Commission, chaired by Dr. Werner Neuer, serves as an advisory committee on theological matters.
Ulrich Rüß, Pastor em.
Born on 12 Dec., 1943 in Braunschweig, Ulrich Rüß studied religious education and theology and was ordained in 1970 in the cathedral of Schleswig. After 12 years as pastor of the Ev.-Luth. Parish of Harrislee by Flensburg, he transferred to the senior pastorate of St. Johannis- Eppendorf, Hamburg, which he held until his retirement in January 2009.
During this time, Pastor Ulrich Rüß was a member of the board of the Nordelbische Missionszentrum, a member of the Kirchenkreissynode Alt-Hamburg, and a member of the Landessynode of the Nordelbiische Ev.-luth. Kirche. He is a member of the editorial board of the Lutheran periodical „Confessio Augustana“, 1. chairperson of the Kirchliche Sammlung um Bibel und Bekenntnis, chairman of the Konferenz Bekennender Gemeinschaften, and, since 2010, President of the IKBK/ICN.
Ulrich Rüß is the author of numerous morning devotions and church broadcasts for the NDR broadcasting service and has contributed theological essays to various journals and books. He is one of the authors in the programs of the Verlag Neukirchen-Vluyn and the Freimundverlag (calendar meditations). His further theological interest areas are: mission, evangelization, ecumenism, liturgy, and church music.
Andreas Späth
Andreas Späth, born in 1971, served with the United Nations upon completion of his military service. Afterwards he studied religious education and church educational work, earning a technical college diploma in these fields. In addition, he studied theology and political science for several semesters and earned supplementary qualification as an outdoor educator.
After holding posts as a parish religious educator in Wurzburg and Munich, Andreas Späth has been a religion teacher in the Ansbach Dekanat since 2007. He is the author of numerous contributions to journals and books on theological, political, and educational topics. He has received the prize of the Association for the Promotion of Christian-Jewish Dialogue of the Ev.-Luth. Church in Bavaria and the UN Medal „In the service of peace“.
Since 2003, Andreas Späth is the chairman of the Kirchliche Sammlung um Bibel und Bekenntnis and, since 2009, Vice-President of the IKBC/ICN.
Jürgen Schlicksupp
Born in 1951 in Ludwigshafen/Rh., Jürgen Schlicksupp first completed a training as a process engineer at FHT in Mannheim and then worked for many years as a designer and project manager.
As early as 1975, he was active as a volunteer in various communities and missions. From 1976 to 1978, he was involved in the mission for Southeast Europe. He has participated in numerous mission trips to various European countries as well as to South Africa, the US, Canada, Ukraine, and the former USSR. Nationally, he accompanied a mission team with the book table of the Dr. Kurt E Koch association for almost 25 years.
Jürgen Schlicksupp has been closely associated with IKBG since 1985 and has accompanied Prof. Dr. Peter Beyerhaus on several trips to South Korea and his places of activity in South Africa. Since 2020, he has been the treasurer of IKBG.
Pfarrer Gaston Nogrady
Born in 1964 in Hameln, Gaston Nogrady studied theology in Tübingen. There, he worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Mission Studies and Ecumenical Theology under Prof. Peter Beyerhaus. Later, he moved to the Institute for Church Law and State Church Law of the EKD in Göttingen, under Prof. Axel von Campenhausen.
After completing his theology studies, he served as a pastor in Müden/Örtze, and since 1995, he has been a pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran State Church of Saxony. Pastor Gaston Nogrady has a Master’s degree in liturgical studies. He is one of the founders of the Saxon Confession Initiative and has been a member of the Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran State Church of Saxony since 2014.
Since 2017, he has also been a deputy member of the church leadership of the Evangelical Lutheran State Church of Saxony.