The Theological Commission

The theological commission acts as an advisory board of the IKBG/ICN in theological matters. Its thirteen members are all highly qualified theologians, and Dr. Werner Neuer serves as its chair.


Dozent Dr. theol. Werner Neuer


Dr. Werner Neuer, born in 1951, studied history and Protestant theology in Heidelberg and Tübingen and earned a doctorate under Prof. Ratschow (Marburg) with a dissertation on the dogmatic foundations of Christian ethics. The dissertation was awarded the J.T. Beck-Prize. A three year research grant for study of the Adolf-Schlatter-Archive led to his writing a scholarly biography of Adolf Schlatter, which found international recognition.

After his vicariate, 1986-88, in two Württemberg parishes, he was ordained in 1989. Since1990, Dr. Werner Neuer has devoted himself entirely to scholarly work, first as research assistant at the Institut für Missionswissenschaft und Ökumenische Theologie (Universität Tübingen) until 1997, then as co-worker of Prof. Karl Rennstich at the Pastoralkolleg Stift Urach.

From 1999 to 2000, he was active as the theological expert in the Amt für missionarische Dienste of the württ. Landeskirche, and, since 2000, he is a lecturer for dogmatics, ethics, ecumenism, comparative religion, and theology of the religions at the Theologisches Seminar St. Chrischona (CH) and since 2009/10 also at the Gustav-Siewerth-Akademie (GSA) und at the Staatlich-unabhängigen Hochschule Basels (STH). He has published a large number of books, encyclopaedia articles and other essays.

In 2010, Dr. Werner Neuer became chairman of the Theological Commission of the IKBG. He is married and the father of 4 sons and 3 daughters.

Members and Friends:

  • Pastor Burkhard Affeld
  • Dr. theol. Peter Chr. Düren
  • Prof. Dr. phil Edith Düsing
  • Drs. Dorothea R. Killus
  • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Leisenberg
  • Dozent Dr. theol. Werner Neuer
  • Pastor Ulrich Rüß
  • Prof. Dr. theol. Günther
  • Rudolf Schmidt
  • Pfr. Eberhard Troeger
  • Prof. Dr. Jaroslav Vokoun 
  • Pfarrer Gaston Nogrady (Schriftführer)
  • Andreas Späth
IKBG - Mitglieder