International Conference of Confessing Communities (IKBG / ICN)*
* In the international context, the IKBG is referred to as the ICN / International Christian Network.
The International Conference of Confessional Communities (ICCC) is a global organization of Christians from various denominations who consider themselves “confessional.” This means they take the Bible as the foundation for their faith and ethics, and they believe in the Holy Trinity as described in the Apostles’ and Nicene Creeds.
The Internationale Konferenz Bekennender Gemeinschaften (IKBG) — known outside the German language area by its English name, International Christian Network ( (ICN) is a world-wide association of Christians of diverse confessional affiliations, that understand themselves to be „confessing“ Christians in the full sense of the term. That means that they take the Bible, with both the Old and New Testament, as the normative foundation for faith and morals and profess their belief in the triune God with the Apostolic and the Nicene Creed.
Is that not something self-evident for Christians?
Not necessarily! Anyone who today seeks to come to grips with Christian faith encounters many currents of belief and practice that sharply deviate from this elementary basis. And these are found not only outside of but also within the Church.
The IKBG/ICN has set itself the goal of working against such tendencies and of protecting and preserving the apostolic heritage in order to foster the unity of the worldwide Christian Church. It builds a network for confessing Christians around the world and aims to give them presence and voice in the public realm. At the same time, the IKBG/ICN offers its members and supporters an important forum for exchange, for mutual information, and for cooperation. In addition, the support of persecuted Christians throughout the world is an important concern of the IKBG/ICN.
With this website, we wish to present ourselves, our goals, and our activities, and in particular to invite interested laymen and women to participate in dialogue and to deal with the Christian faith.
Our activities
“The IKBG addresses theologians as well as interested laypeople. Our activities mainly focus on the three areas of publications, conferences, and our quarterly magazine Diakrisis. You can find more information about our various activities here.”
The IKBG/ICN regularly publishes theological publications and scientifically based statements on spiritual movements around the world. They provide guidance for Christians and communities.
Every two years, the IKBG/ICN organizes an international confession congress on changing theological topics with well-known speakers. Participation is open to both members and guests.
Our magazine DIAKRISIS is published four times a year. It deals with trends from church, politics, and society and informs its readers about events in worldwide Christianity.
Our goals
- to promote spiritual community, mutual information, and cooperation under believing Christians of different confessional affiliations and nations, especially through conferences, visits, exchange of information, and pertinent publications;
- to call for and deepen biblically based faith;
- to interpret the theological foundations of biblical doctrine and morals in the context of current situations and to work against their distortion or levelling out;
- to intervene to protect the freedom of the religious conscience, e.g. through appeals to governments and through public protests;
- to stand by Christians who are being pressured or persecuted in the defence of their faith;
- to issue public statements, when the faith of the Church of Jesus Christ is under attack;
- to support missionary and diaconal projects – especially in crisis situations – , including, when necessary, with financial assistance;
- to pray for and to work for the unity of all faithful Christians of different confessional affiliations in the sense of a “Christocentric-Trinitarian Confessional Ecumenism”.